Fulfilling the dream of my 9 year old self.

Tonight was awesome! Volker and his band (Heizraum) translated it means radiator room which is funny, because that’s where they practice every Wednesday night, in the radiator room in the garage. Tonight was one of the biggest performances that they have ever done! Volker surprised Jule and I with Heizraum groupie t-shirts. They are so cute. The concert was in the next town over, and it was all old man bands. Not that Volker is old, but there weren’t any high school bands there. They played all the classics though German and English, and then one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to me occurred. I was talking to Jule and some other family friends when I heard my name. The entire band was calling me u on stage to help sing “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Joni. I tried very nicely to say no, but Germans don’t really take no for an answer, so I then joined the band, and sang next to my host dad one of the classic American rock songs. Definitely top of the list of cool things that I have done here, definitely.”

Journal Entry Friday June 13th, 2008. Waren, Müritz


Although nothing could ever compare to Heizraum on Sunday, May 6th Laura, Peter and I attended a NKOTBSB Concert. For those of you that are unaware of that acronym, it stands for New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys. They are doing a European tour and stopped in the small city ofLeipzig for one night. We had standing room tickets and I felt like I was 9 again, singing into the TV, with my friends fighting over which Backstreet Boy we were going to marry, I of course was always partial to Nick I think it was the blonde hair that did me in.

Although it was 3 hours of bad attempts at the German language, horrible choreography, that I used to be in awe at, and out of date wardrobes, it is the best concert that I have ever been to. I assumed that they would lip-sync or be horrible live however, they were simply amazing. They still have it! We of course made t-shirts I was a B for the back (Obviously). They were looking for girls to pull up on stage and however even though Laura confessed her love for Brian loudly I must say, and I whipped out my passport screaming that I was from America they pulled the girl that was standing directly in front of us.

The concert lasted a wonderful three hours and for those three hours I was able to relive my childhood, even though most of them are happily married now they sang all of their hits, and of course, I knew every word. New Kids were pretty good too. They can still move, but is it sad that I only know the Wahlberg one because he’s in the NBC show Bluebloods that my mom always watches, and definitely not because of his role in New Kids. They can dance really well, but when they get really close you realize actually how old they are, not that it’s a bad thing but they were  the only people there just for BSB, most of the people that came were mother daughter pairs, mom came for the New Kids and brought their daughters for BSB.

Although it was 11 years since I have BSB fever it was still an amazing concert and a great memory.


May 1st : This is something they only write about in books.

“Today was the first of May or Mayday, just another reason for a day off if you ask me but I’m not complaining. We went to Nadine’s for a garden party on Wednesday which was fun we kind of just sat in a shed, and had some drinks. Tonight we’re sleeping at the farm to help out with the horses since the owner Frau Kautzmann is gone this weekend. That should be fun, but also a lot of work since we have to do everything for 30 horses. Tomorrow night at home is prom. Still can’t believe I’m missing it. A girl dreams about her prom since she knows what is and I’m missing it. I mean I would never give up this great opportunity to go home and go to prom but it definitely has its ups and downs.”

Journal Entry Thursday May 1st, 2008. Waren, Müritz


May 1st this time around was a lot more interesting. Being a national holiday and all we didn’t have classes which was nice and it was beautiful out. So we decided to head to the nearest beach. Yes, although I am in the southeast ofGermany there are 4 lakes inLeipzig alone. So we headed to the one that supposedly had a nice beach. First thing, that I had forgotten about German or European beaches for that matter is that clothing is always optional. Quite eye opening I must say. The beach was so nice and it was so hot. For the first day of May it was beautiful. There was also a place where you could rent boats so Laura, Megan, Peter and I decided that I would be a good idea to rent a paddle boat. Boy, were we wrong.


At first it started out just fine. We were just paddling along enjoying the sun, and the warm weather. Then Peter challenged me to a race to swim from the middle of the lake(our current position) to shore where Nick, Tim and Adam were waiting. To do so however Megan had to switch with me, and come up to the front of the boat. So Peter hoped in the water and Megan and I started slowly to transition ourselves to switch places. Well Megan moved a little too fast and her wallet then became fish food, by falling over the side of the boat. This then started the shrieking process and the rocking of the boat. Of course Peter the only one in the water, who could of caught it, was on the wrong side of the boat. So after Megan stands up on the not so sturdy paddle boat and we finally get her to calm down and sit down we soon realize that Laura was laughing so hard she peed her ants. Yes, my 20 year old best friend peed her pants.


Then the half an hour long process of trying to locate the wallet on the lake floor began, and we are just floating around on this paddle boat. Peter who is still in the water is also looking. It is after 15 minutes of intensive looking that I am about to give up when I look u and see a ripple in the water. Now we weren’t in that big of a lake, and although you could see some fish, the ripple that was slowly coming at us through the water was bigger than anything I had ever seen. I, then nudge Laura who see the wave coming at us and decides to scream that it is a shark, mind you we are in a fresh water lake. This then causes Peter to jump up back onto the boat causing it to rock and almost tip over. As the wave is slowly approaching our boat, Laura suggests that we abandon ship, the obvious most reasonable suggestion when you think that a shark is swimming towards you, why not get in and have a little swim with it. Upon closer inspection we discover that it’s actually a scuba diver, the perfect person that we need. However, because we all that it was a giant fish, lockness monster, or shark we are left pretty much speechless(yes I know, me speechless) and only can scream the German word for wallet, then causing the scuba diver to give us a weird look and swim away.


It is at this point that decide it is time to give up and head back to shore, however Peter still wants to race, so I jump into the water. However, after jumping into the water I then decide that it was not such a good idea, because it feels like I am swimming in the artic circle. We then start to swim to shore, short of breath, because the water is so cold I’m pretty sure my lungs started to constrict. Halfway to shore we get called back to the boat, they have spotted the wallet. After swimming back out to the boat and trying multiple times to reach the wallet, we soon discover although the water looks very shallow, and clear its at least 30 ft. deep. We then get back up onto the boat and Megan and Laura paddle us back to shore. Once back at shore we tell Tim, Adam and Nick our story, however they quickly fill us in that we were so loud, that everyone from shore could hear everything that we were saying, and that we entertainment for the afternoon.


Megan never did get her wallet back that day, and Laura never wore those shorts again.

Who knew Mayday could be so eventful.

I couldn’t have made that story up if I wanted to.

Biking is life.

“So today was interesting to say the least. Jule and I cleaned the house as we normally do on Saturday mornings and then she asked me if I had to do my Christmas shopping and if I wanted to ride into Waren on bikes. So like an idiot I said sure not realizing that it’s 8 miles one way. I mean I can ride a bike as good as anyone else but come on now I ride bikes as a leisure activity not as a race to get into town in 20 minutes. It took us an hour to get there and it was raining and we got soaking wet to say the least and Jule was not very happy, but I got all my Christmas shopping done which is good. I also don’t understand the part of bike lanes here, and how people actually really pay attention to those things. Needless to say I almost hit an old woman and then almost got hit by a bus myself but not to worry it stopped. It was really funny though because Jule was just so embarrassed of me but I was just glad I made it home in one piece if were being honest.”


Journal Entry Saturday November 3rd, 2007. Waren, Müritz


Although some of you may be thinking right now, is she really doing a blog entry about bikes, you have no idea how important they are in this city. One of the first things that I promised my mother upon my arrival to this wonderful city was that I would not purchase a bike. For those of you who know me well enough know that I have enough problems walking, and although I can ride a bike no problems, it more like the moving vehicles and trams that my mother was worried about. In America riding bikes is a more recreational activity on a Sunday afternoon, and not a way of life. For example there is no parking garage on campus however there is a bike garage (see photo) seriously though. Free with a student ID and open until 10 pm during the week, and midnight on the weekends. For those of you who are still unsure of some bike rules in the wonderful city ofLeipzighere are a few tips:


  1. There is a bike lane and a lane for pedestrians. These are not suggestions, it is a rule. DO NOT walk in the bike lane ever, there are no exceptions. I found this out the hard way.
  2. Although the little man is telling you not to walk but you see no cars coming that does not mean it is safe to walk. Fun fact: bikers can reach up to speeds of 50 mph. For this reason and many others, only walk when the little man is green.
  3. Seeing bikes weaving in and out of traffic is a normal occurrence, starring with your mouth open like you are trying to catch flies, will only cause more people to look at you. No one cares it happens everyday.
  4. Finally, always be aware of your surroundings even if you are jamming out to your favorite Beyonce song, making someone fall off of their bike, or hit another biker is not cool, and it is not like they are in a car, and you can avoid eye contact and quickly walk away. No you will be starred down and you awkwardly try to slip away.



For now I will just be sticking with my two wonderful legs, to carry me around this city the safety of myself, and the safety of the people city of Leipzig.

